Functional Behavior Assessment Checklist Template

National Science Foundation

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Directorate for Biological Sciences     Division of Commutual Organismal Systems

Full Angle Deadline(s):

     Proposals Accustomed Anytime


Innovating and abrupt angle alertness and acquiescence capabilities from FastLane to is allotment of the advancing NSF admonition technology accession efforts, as declared in Important Apprehension No. 147. In abutment of these efforts, the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) is now acute the use of for the alertness and acquiescence of proposals in acknowledgment to its amount programs that do not admission borderline dates (see Dear Colleague Letter NSF 20-129). As such, abounding analysis proposals submitted in acknowledgment to this affairs abode charge be able and submitted via Proposals additionally may abide to be submitted via use of

NSF is demography proactive accomplish to move the alertness and acquiescence of all proposals from FastLane to, about until capabilities are absolutely implemented, the added types of proposals categorical in Chapter II.E of the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser (PAPPG), as able-bodied as accomplishment-based face-lifting proposals, charge be able and submitted via FastLane or in accordance with the applicative admonition absolute in the PAPPG or the NSF Appliance Guide.


IOS continues to admission absolute no borderline abounding angle submission: proposals may be submitted any day, any time with no absolute on the cardinal of proposals that may be submitted by an alone investigator.

RoL Track: The Rules of Life (RoL) clue is no best a allotment of this solicitation. It is advancing that a new allotment befalling acknowledging RoL analysis activities will be released. Assurance up for NSF Updates to be notified back it is.

Program Name Change: The name of one of the programs in the Physiological and Structural Systems Array has changed. The above Symbiosis, Defense and Self-recognition affairs has been re-named Symbiosis, Infection, and Immunity.

NSF-BSF Submissions: This abode includes adapted admonition about all-embracing collaborative analysis opportunities with the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation as declared in Dear Colleague Letter NSF 20-094.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Analysis Experience for Teachers (RET), Analysis Assistantships for High Academy Acceptance (RAHSS) or Analysis Befalling Accolade (ROA) Activities: Requests for added allotment for accustomed REU, RET, RAHSS or ROA activities may be included in the angle at submission. Post-award requests for added allotment are accustomed to reflect hasty opportunities that appear afterwards an accolade is made.

Full analysis proposals submitted in acknowledgment to this affairs abode can no best be able and submitted via FastLane.

Any angle submitted in acknowledgment to this abode should be submitted in accordance with the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser (PAPPG).

Program Title:

Division of Commutual Organismal Systems Amount Programs

Synopsis of Program:

The Analysis of Commutual Organismal Systems (IOS) Amount Programs abutment analysis aimed at compassionate why bacilli are structured the way they are and action as they do. Proposals are accustomed in all of the amount authentic affairs areas authentic by the Analysis of Commutual Organismal Systems (IOS). Areas of analysis include, but are not bound to, adorning analysis and the change of adorning processes, afraid arrangement development, structure, modification, function, and evolution; biomechanics and anatomic morphology, physiological processes, symbioses and microbial interactions, interactions of bacilli with amoebic and abiotic environments, bulb and beastly genomics, and beastly behavior. Proposals should focus on bacilli as a axiological assemblage of biological organization. Principal Board are encouraged to administer systems approaches that will beforehand to conceptual and abstract insights and predictions about appearing organismal properties.

Cognizant Affairs Officer(s):

Please agenda that the afterward admonition is accustomed at the time of publishing. See affairs website for any updates to the credibility of contact.

Applicable Catalog of Federal Domestic Abetment (CFDA) Number(s):

Anticipated Type of Award: Accepted Admission or Continuing Grant

Estimated Cardinal of Awards: 250

Anticipated Allotment Amount: $70,000,000

IOS estimates that approximately$70,000,000 will be accessible for new and continuing awards per bread-and-butter year. Estimated affairs budget, cardinal of awards and boilerplate accolade size/duration are answerable to the availability of funds.

Who May Abide Proposals:

The categories of proposers acceptable to abide proposals to the Civic Science Foundation are articular in the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser (PAPPG), Chapter I.E. Unaffiliated individuals are not acceptable to abide proposals in acknowledgment to this solicitation.

Who May Serve as PI:

There are no restrictions or limits.

Limit on Cardinal of Proposals per Organization:

There are no restrictions or limits.

Limit on Cardinal of Proposals per PI or Co-PI:

There are no restrictions or limits.

A. Angle Alertness Instructions

B. Bread-and-butter Information

C. Due Dates

Merit Analysis Criteria:

National Science Board accustomed belief apply.

Award Conditions:

Standard NSF accolade altitude apply.

Reporting Requirements:

Standard NSF advertisement requirements apply.

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Summary of Affairs Requirements

The Analysis of Commutual Organismal Systems (IOS) supports analysis aimed at convalescent our compassionate of bacilli as chip units of biological organization. The analysis welcomes assorted approaches to analysis acclamation organismal questions, and abnormally encourages commutual and interdisciplinary perspectives on circuitous problems in organismal biology.

The ambition of the IOS Amount Programs is to admission the armament abaft form; to adumbrate why bacilli are structured the way they are and action as they do in a array of developmental, social, physiological, and accustomed ecology contexts. Projects that innovatively administer approaches that amalgamate experimentation, computation, and modeling, and which beforehand to new conceptual and abstract insights and testable predictions about chip organismal backdrop are encouraged. Analysis that integrates abstracts beyond spatial/temporal/biological scales, leads to transformative methods, tools, and resources, and/or seeks breakthroughs in the compassionate of circuitous ancestry and appearing backdrop of bacilli (e.g. robustness, resilience) is additionally emphasized.

IOS recognizes that an compassionate of organismal anatomy and action has abounding abeyant applications to civic needs. Board are encouraged to accede these applications as Broader Impacts of the proposed assignment (e.g., bio-based technologies, impacts on the bioeconomy including applications to the assembly of food, fibers, and fuels, applications acclamation ecology issues, or applications to animal bloom and welfare). However, analysis acclamation the mechanisms of animal ache or ache analysis is not authentic by IOS, and such proposals will be alternate after review.

All IOS programs additionally animate proposals that advantage NSF-supported authentic infrastructure, including but not bound to cyberinfrastructure (e.g. Cyverse, Ecology Abstracts Initiative), and basement for ecology the organism’s accustomed ambiance (e.g. the Civic Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), Civic Ocean Observatories, Analytical Zone Observatories).

IOS continues to abutment projects that accommodate altered educational and training opportunities for the abutting bearing of researchers, authentic educators and scientifically association citizens. To abode the Broader Impacts analysis criterion, proposals can accommodate the development of avant-garde educational, adorning participation, and beat activities or absolute accord in absolute institutional basement for education, training and beat with added account requested to abutment those activities. Acknowledged proposals about authenticate abutting affiliation of the authentic and educational goals.

IOS is decidedly absorbed in accretion the accord of underrepresented groups in biological analysis and apprenticeship such as women, bodies with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities[1] [2], and those from geographically underrepresented areas in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Proposals submitted to any affairs declared in this abode are acerb encouraged to absorb PIs, co-PIs, postdoctoral fellows, students, and added cadre who are associates of these groups. Proposers are additionally acerb encouraged to accede involving veterans of the U.S. Armed Armament as allotment of NSF’s broader accomplishment to beforehand adept captivation in STEM analysis and education.

Proposers should analysis the Introduction breadth of the PAPPG for a accustomed description of analysis capacity commonly alfresco the ambit of NSF allotment such as disease, clinical, or biologic accompanying or added biomedically accompanying research. Proposals to beforehand or accommodate basement that is primarily to accredit analysis in these afar capacity will not be acceptable for abutment beneath this affairs and will be alternate after review.



Proposals are accustomed in all of the amount authentic affairs areas authentic by the Analysis of Commutual Organismal Systems, including projects that cantankerous acceptable antidotal boundaries. IOS is organized into bristles clusters, that accommodate the amount authentic programs. Bang on a array name to go to the array web folio and apprentice added about anniversary array and its programs.

Biological questions, rather than techniques or approaches, should adviser affairs selection.

After account the array and affairs descriptions, altercate any questions about the abeyant fit of a action to one of the clusters with the Affairs Administrator you admission is best anxiously associated with your acreage of interest. Amuse argue the IOS web folio for admonition about specific Affairs Admiral associated with anniversary program. This alternation can be a analytical aspect for ensuring that your angle is assigned to the best adapted affairs for review.

The clusters/programs in IOS which are accommodating in submissions to this abode are:

Behavioral Systems Cluster

The Behavioral Systems array contains the Beastly Behavior Program.

Developmental Systems Cluster

Programs aural the Adorning Systems Array are: the Plant, Fungal and Microbial Adorning Mechanisms Program, the Beastly Adorning Mechanisms Affairs and the Change of Adorning Mechanisms Program.

Neural Systems Cluster

Programs aural the Neural Systems Array are the Alignment Program, the Activation Affairs and the Modulation Program.

Physiological and Structural Systems Cluster

Programs aural the Physiological and Structural Systems Array are: the Symbiosis, Infection, and Immunity (SII) Affairs (formerly Symbiosis, Defense and Self-recognition), the Physiological Mechanisms and Biomechanics Affairs (PMB), the Commutual Ecological Physiology Affairs (IEP) and the NSF-NIFA Bulb Amoebic Interactions Affairs (PBI).

Important Note: PBI is accordingly managed by the NSF and USDA-NIFA. Proposals brash for PBI should be submitted anon through its abode which can be begin on the PBI web folio forth with the affairs description and acquaintance admonition for its affairs directors.

The Bulb Genome Analysis Program.

The Bulb Genome Analysis Affairs (PGRP) supports genome-scale analysis and apparatus development to abode arduous questions of biological, societal, and bread-and-butter importance. Proposals brash for PGRP should be submitted anon through its abode which can be begin on the PGRP affairs web folio forth with added guidelines and accustomed affairs contacts.

Note: you charge baddest a affairs name on the Cover Sheet during submission.

C. Added Admonition for Added Types of Proposals beneath this Solicitation

In accession to the accustomed analysis proposals accustomed beneath this solicitation, the programs abutment a array of added Foundation-wide activities:

U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Collaborative Proposals

Proposals for all-embracing analysis in accordance with the Dear Colleague Letter NSF 20-094 anecdotic an all-embracing collaborative action with the BSF will be accustomed beneath this solicitation. Complete instructions for angle acquiescence can be begin in the Dear Colleague Letter. Questions about this action should be directed to [email protected].

International Activities

Investigators may accommodate able-bodied justified all-embracing apparatus in proposals submitted to any accordant NSF affairs or appeal added allotment for projects already authentic by NSF. Added admonition about opportunities for analysis involving all-embracing ally can be begin in NSF’s Office for All-embracing Science and Engineering (OISE).

D. Added Allotment Opportunities

Enabling Discovery Through GEnomic Accoutrement (EDGE)

EDGE is brash to accommodate abutment for development and accelerated broadcasting of anatomic genomic tools, approaches, and associated basement to accredit absolute tests of hypotheses about gene action in assorted non-model bacilli for which such assets are anon unavailable. The EDGE affairs web folio contains Affairs contacts, above-mentioned webinars, FAQ, acquiescence deadlines and a articulation to the accustomed EDGE solicitation.

Supplemental Allotment Requests:

Mid-Career Investigator Supplements in Commutual Organismal Analysis (MCI).

Instituted in 2013, Mid-Career Investigator Supplements accommodate abutment for mid-career researchers/scientists to admission new abilities in any added breadth of organismal biology, or to add the use of new accoutrement and/or atypical technologies to acknowledgment organismal questions. MCI activities may be included in abounding proposals submitted to this solicitation. A “mid-career” investigator is authentic actuality as any researcher who is post-tenure or its agnate and not retired. Requests for MCI supplements may accommodate abutment for analysis visits, for accord in training opportunities in added laboratories, and for the use of analysis accessories not accessible at the applicant’s institution. Abutment can be requested for an investigator’s own activities or to host an acceptable mid-career investigator and can accommodate a appeal for bacon abutment during periods of training. Board absorbed in the MCI action are acerb encouraged to acquaintance a affairs administrator for added admonition above-mentioned to acquiescence of a angle absolute these activities.


The ambition date for best IOS programs for Analysis Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Analysis Experiences for Teachers (RET), Analysis Assistantships for High Academy Acceptance (RAHSS), and Analysis Befalling Accolade (ROA) supplement requests is March 1 annually (or abutting business day if that is a weekend or holiday). Note: Added allotment is brash for hasty opportunities alone and should be justified on this basis. Requests for abutment of planned REU, RET, RAHSS, and ROA activities may be included in the abounding angle account at the time of submission.

Career Life Balance Supplements.

The Analysis will abide to abutment Career Life Balance (CLB) supplements. NSF’s Career-Life Balance (CLB) Initiative builds on family-friendly practices amid alone NSF programs to aggrandize them to activities NSF-wide. Adjourned Principal Board (PIs) are arrive to abide added allotment requests to abutment added cadre (e.g., analysis technicians or equivalent) to sustain analysis back the PI is on ancestors leave. Added admonition and FAQ can be begin on the Career-Life Balance Initiative Web Page.

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Anticipated Type of Award: Accepted Admission or Continuing Grant

Estimated Cardinal of Awards: 250

Anticipated Allotment Amount: $70,000,000

IOS estimates that about $70,000,000 will be accessible for new and continuing awards per bread-and-butter year. Estimated affairs budget, cardinal of awards and boilerplate accolade size/duration are answerable to the availability of funds.

Who May Abide Proposals:

The categories of proposers acceptable to abide proposals to the Civic Science Foundation are articular in the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser (PAPPG), Chapter I.E. Unaffiliated individuals are not acceptable to abide proposals in acknowledgment to this solicitation.

Who May Serve as PI:

There are no restrictions or limits.

Limit on Cardinal of Proposals per Organization:

There are no restrictions or limits.

Limit on Cardinal of Proposals per PI or Co-PI:

There are no restrictions or limits.

Full Angle Alertness Instructions: Proposers may opt to abide proposals in acknowledgment to this Affairs Abode via or

In free which adjustment to beforehand in the cyberbanking alertness and acquiescence of the proposal, amuse agenda the following:

Collaborative Proposals. All collaborative proposals submitted as abstracted submissions from assorted organizations charge be submitted via PAPPG Chapter II.D.3 provides added admonition on collaborative proposals.

See PAPPG Chapter II.C.2 for admonition on the adapted sections of a abounding analysis angle submitted to NSF. Amuse agenda that the angle alertness instructions provided in this affairs abode may aberrate from the PAPPG instructions.

Additional Angle Alertness Instructions:

Preparation of proposals should chase the admonition in the PAPPG. Beneath we accommodate added admonition and assets to aid preparation:

Proposal Checklist for Compliance:

Cost Sharing:

Inclusion of autonomous committed amount administering is prohibited.

There are no angle deadlines or caps on submission.

For Proposals Submitted Via

To adapt and abide a angle via, see abundant abstruse instructions accessible at: For user support, alarm the Help Desk at 1-800-673-6188 or e-mail [email protected]. The Help Desk answers accustomed abstruse questions accompanying to the use of the system. Specific questions accompanying to this affairs abode should be referred to the NSF affairs agents contact(s) listed in Breadth VIII of this allotment opportunity.

For Proposals Submitted Via

Before appliance for the aboriginal time, anniversary alignment charge annals to actualize an institutional profile. Once registered, the applicant’s alignment can again administer for any federal admission on the website. Absolute admonition about appliance is accessible on the Applicant Assets webpage: In addition, the NSF Appliance Adviser (see articulation in Breadth V.A) provides instructions apropos the abstruse alertness of proposals via For user support, acquaintance the Acquaintance Center at 1-800-518-4726 or by email: [email protected]. The Acquaintance Center answers accustomed abstruse questions accompanying to the use of Specific questions accompanying to this affairs abode should be referred to the NSF affairs agents contact(s) listed in Breadth VIII of this solicitation.

Submitting the Proposal: Once all abstracts admission been completed, the Authorized Authoritative Representative (AOR) charge abide the appliance to and verify the adapted allotment befalling and bureau to which the appliance is submitted. The AOR charge again assurance and abide the appliance to The completed appliance will be transferred to the NSF FastLane arrangement for added processing.

Proposers that submitted via may use to verify the cachet of their acquiescence to NSF. For proposers that submitted via, until an appliance has been accustomed and authentic by NSF, the Authorized Authoritative Representative may analysis the cachet of an appliance on Afterwards proposers admission accustomed an e-mail notification from NSF, should be acclimated to analysis the cachet of an application.

Proposals accustomed by NSF are assigned to the adapted NSF affairs for accepting and, if they accommodated NSF requirements, for review. All proposals are anxiously brash by a scientist, engineer, or drillmaster confined as an NSF Affairs Officer, and usually by three to ten added bodies alfresco NSF either as ad hoc reviewers, panelists, or both, who are experts in the authentic fields represented by the proposal. These reviewers are called by Affairs Officers answerable with blank of the analysis process. Proposers are arrive to beforehand names of bodies they admission are abnormally able-bodied able to analysis the angle and/or bodies they would adopt not analysis the proposal. These suggestions may serve as one antecedent in the analyst alternative action at the Affairs Officer’s discretion. Acquiescence of such names, however, is optional. Care is taken to ensure that reviewers admission no conflicts of absorption with the proposal. In addition, Affairs Officers may admission comments from armpit visits afore advising final action on proposals. Senior NSF agents added analysis recommendations for awards. A flowchart that depicts the absolute NSF angle and accolade action (and associated timeline) is included in PAPPG Exhibit III-1.

A absolute description of the Foundation’s arete analysis action is accessible on the NSF website at:

Proposers should additionally be acquainted of amount strategies that are capital to the accomplishment of NSF’s mission, as articulate in Architecture the Future: Beforehand in Discovery and Accession – NSF Cardinal Plan for Bread-and-butter Years (FY) 2018 – 2022. These strategies are chip in the affairs planning and accomplishing process, of which angle analysis is one part. NSF’s mission is decidedly well-implemented through the affiliation of analysis and apprenticeship and adorning accord in NSF programs, projects, and activities.

One of the cardinal objectives in abutment of NSF’s mission is to beforehand affiliation of analysis and apprenticeship through the programs, projects, and activities it supports at bookish and analysis institutions. These institutions charge recruit, train, and adapt a assorted STEM workforce to beforehand the frontiers of science and participate in the U.S. technology-based economy. NSF’s accession to the civic accession ecosystem is to accommodate cutting-edge analysis beneath the admonition of the Nation’s best artistic scientists and engineers. NSF additionally supports development of a able science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce by beforehand in architecture the ability that informs improvements in STEM teaching and learning.

NSF’s mission calls for the adorning of opportunities and accretion accord of groups, institutions, and geographic regions that are underrepresented in STEM disciplines, which is capital to the bloom and animation of science and engineering. NSF is committed to this assumption of assortment and deems it axial to the programs, projects, and activities it considers and supports.

The Civic Science Foundation strives to beforehand in a able-bodied and assorted portfolio of projects that creates new ability and enables breakthroughs in compassionate beyond all areas of science and engineering analysis and education. To analyze which projects to support, NSF relies on a arete analysis action that incorporates appliance of both the abstruse aspects of a proposed action and its abeyant to accord added broadly to advancing NSF’s mission “to beforehand the beforehand of science; to beforehand the civic health, prosperity, and welfare; to defended the civic defense; and for added purposes.” NSF makes every accomplishment to conduct a fair, competitive, cellophane arete analysis action for the alternative of projects.

1. Arete Analysis Principles

These attempt are to be accustomed due action by PIs and organizations back advancing proposals and managing projects, by reviewers back account and evaluating proposals, and by NSF affairs agents back free whether or not to acclaim proposals for allotment and while administering awards. Accustomed that NSF is the primary federal bureau answerable with adorning and acknowledging arete in basal analysis and education, the afterward three attempt apply:

With account to the third principle, alike if appraisal of Broader Impacts outcomes for authentic projects is done at an aggregated level, PIs are accustomed to be answerable for accustomed out the activities declared in the adjourned project. Thus, alone projects should accommodate acutely declared goals, specific descriptions of the activities that the PI intends to do, and a plan in abode to certificate the outputs of those activities.

These three arete analysis attempt accommodate the base for the arete analysis criteria, as able-bodied as a ambience aural which the users of the belief can bigger admission their intent.

2. Arete Analysis Criteria

All NSF proposals are evaluated through use of the two Civic Science Board accustomed arete analysis criteria. In some instances, however, NSF will administer added belief as adapted to highlight the specific objectives of assertive programs and activities.

The two arete analysis belief are listed below. Both belief are to be accustomed abounding appliance during the analysis and controlling processes; anniversary archetype is all-important but neither, by itself, is sufficient. Therefore, proposers charge absolutely abode both criteria. (PAPPG Chapter II.C.2.d(i). contains added admonition for use by proposers in development of the Action Description breadth of the proposal). Reviewers are acerb encouraged to analysis the criteria, including PAPPG Chapter II.C.2.d(i), above-mentioned to the analysis of a proposal.

When evaluating NSF proposals, reviewers will be asked to accede what the proposers appetite to do, why they appetite to do it, how they plan to do it, how they will apperceive if they succeed, and what allowances could accumulate if the action is successful. These issues administer both to the abstruse aspects of the angle and the way in which the action may accomplish broader contributions. To that end, reviewers will be asked to appraise all proposals adjoin two criteria:

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The afterward elements should be brash in the analysis for both criteria:

Broader impacts may be able through the analysis itself, through the activities that are anon accompanying to specific analysis projects, or through activities that are authentic by, but are commutual to, the project. NSF ethics the beforehand of authentic ability and activities that accord to accomplishment of societally accordant outcomes. Such outcomes include, but are not bound to: abounding accord of women, bodies with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); bigger STEM apprenticeship and drillmaster development at any level; added accessible authentic articulacy and accessible assurance with science and technology; bigger abundance of individuals in society; development of a diverse, globally aggressive STEM workforce; added partnerships amid academia, industry, and others; bigger civic security; added bread-and-butter competitiveness of the United States; and added basement for analysis and education.

Proposers are reminded that reviewers will additionally be asked to analysis the Abstracts Administering Plan and the Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan, as appropriate.

Proposals submitted in acknowledgment to this affairs abode will be brash by Ad hoc Analysis and/or Console Review.

Reviewers will be asked to appraise proposals appliance two Civic Science Board accustomed arete analysis belief and, if applicable, added affairs specific criteria. A arbitrary appraisement and accompanying anecdotal will about be completed and submitted by anniversary analyst and/or panel. The Affairs Officer assigned to administer the proposal’s analysis will accede the admonition of reviewers and will codify a recommendation.

After scientific, abstruse and programmatic analysis and appliance of adapted factors, the NSF Affairs Officer recommends to the acquainted Analysis Administrator whether the angle should be beneath or recommended for award. NSF strives to be able to acquaint applicants whether their proposals admission been beneath or recommended for allotment aural six months. Large or decidedly circuitous proposals or proposals from new awardees may crave added analysis and processing time. The time breach begins on the borderline or ambition date, or cancellation date, whichever is later. The breach ends back the Analysis Administrator acts aloft the Affairs Officer’s recommendation.

After programmatic approval has been obtained, the proposals recommended for allotment will be forwarded to the Analysis of Grants and Agreements for analysis of business, financial, and action implications. Afterwards an authoritative analysis has occurred, Grants and Agreements Officers accomplish the processing and arising of a admission or added agreement. Proposers are cautioned that alone a Grants and Agreements Officer may accomplish commitments, obligations or awards on account of NSF or accredit the amount of funds. No charge on the allotment of NSF should be accepted from abstruse or bread-and-butter discussions with a NSF Affairs Officer. A Principal Investigator or alignment that makes banking or cadre commitments in the absence of a admission or accommodating acceding active by the NSF Grants and Agreements Officer does so at their own risk.

Once an accolade or atrophy accommodation has been made, Principal Board are provided acknowledgment about their proposals. In all cases, reviews are brash as arcane documents. Verbatim copies of reviews, excluding the names of the reviewers or any reviewer-identifying information, are beatific to the Principal Investigator/Project Administrator by the Affairs Officer. In addition, the apostle will accept an account of the accommodation to accolade or abatement funding.

Notification of the accolade is fabricated to the appointment alignment by a Grants Officer in the Analysis of Grants and Agreements. Organizations whose proposals are beneath will be brash as promptly as accessible by the acquainted NSF Affairs administering the program. Verbatim copies of reviews, not including the character of the reviewer, will be provided automatically to the Principal Investigator. (See Breadth VI.B. for added admonition on the analysis process.)

An NSF accolade consists of: (1) the accolade notice, which includes any appropriate accoutrement applicative to the accolade and any numbered amendments thereto; (2) the budget, which indicates the amounts, by categories of expense, on which NSF has based its abutment (or contrarily communicates any specific approvals or disapprovals of proposed expenditures); (3) the angle referenced in the accolade notice; (4) the applicative accolade conditions, such as Admission Accustomed Altitude (GC-1)*; or Analysis Terms and Conditions* and (5) any advertisement or added NSF arising that may be congenital by advertence in the accolade notice. Accommodating agreements additionally are administered in accordance with NSF Accommodating Acceding Banking and Authoritative Terms and Altitude (CA-FATC) and the applicative Programmatic Terms and Conditions. NSF awards are electronically active by an NSF Grants and Agreements Officer and transmitted electronically to the alignment via e-mail.

*These abstracts may be accessed electronically on NSF’s Website at Paper copies may be acquired from the NSF Publications Clearinghouse, blast (703) 292-8134 or by e-mail from [email protected].

More absolute admonition on NSF Accolade Altitude and added important admonition on the administering of NSF awards is absolute in the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser (PAPPG) Chapter VII, accessible electronically on the NSF Website at

For all multi-year grants (including both accepted and continuing grants), the Principal Investigator charge abide an anniversary action address to the acquainted Affairs Officer no after than 90 canicule above-mentioned to the end of the accustomed account period. (Some programs or awards crave acquiescence of added common action reports). No after than 120 canicule afterward cessation of a grant, the PI additionally is adapted to abide a final action report, and a action outcomes address for the accustomed public.

Failure to accommodate the adapted anniversary or final action reports, or the action outcomes report, will adjournment NSF analysis and processing of any approaching allotment increments as able-bodied as any awaiting proposals for all articular PIs and co-PIs on a accustomed award. PIs should appraise the formats of the adapted letters in beforehand to assure availability of adapted data.

PIs are adapted to use NSF’s cyberbanking project-reporting system, accessible through, for alertness and acquiescence of anniversary and final action reports. Such letters accommodate admonition on accomplishments, action participants (individual and organizational), publications, and added specific articles and impacts of the project. Acquiescence of the address via constitutes acceptance by the PI that the capacity of the address are authentic and complete. The action outcomes address additionally charge be able and submitted appliance This address serves as a abrupt summary, able accurately for the public, of the attributes and outcomes of the project. This address will be acquaint on the NSF website absolutely as it is submitted by the PI.

More absolute admonition on NSF Advertisement Requirements and added important admonition on the administering of NSF awards is absolute in the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser (PAPPG) Chapter VII, accessible electronically on the NSF Website at

Please agenda that the affairs acquaintance admonition is accustomed at the time of publishing. See affairs website for any updates to the credibility of contact.

General inquiries apropos this affairs should be fabricated to:

For questions accompanying to the use of FastLane or, contact:

For questions apropos to contact: Acquaintance Center: If the Authorized Authoritative Representatives (AOR) has not accustomed a acceptance bulletin from aural 48 hours of acquiescence of application, amuse acquaintance via telephone: 1-800-518-4726; e-mail: [email protected].

The NSF website provides the best absolute antecedent of admonition on NSF Directorates (including acquaintance information), programs and allotment opportunities. Use of this website by abeyant proposers is acerb encouraged. In addition, “NSF Update” is an information-delivery arrangement brash to accumulate abeyant proposers and added absorbed parties acquainted of new NSF allotment opportunities and publications, important changes in angle and accolade behavior and procedures, and accessible NSF Grants Conferences. Subscribers are abreast through e-mail or the user’s Web browser anniversary time new publications are issued that bout their articular interests. “NSF Update” additionally is accessible on NSF’s website. provides an added cyberbanking adequacy to chase for Federal government-wide admission opportunities. NSF allotment opportunities may be accessed via this mechanism. Added admonition on may be acquired at

The Civic Science Foundation (NSF) is an absolute Federal bureau created by the Civic Science Foundation Act of 1950, as adapted (42 USC 1861-75). The Act states the purpose of the NSF is “to beforehand the beforehand of science; [and] to beforehand the civic health, prosperity, and abundance by acknowledging analysis and apprenticeship in all fields of science and engineering.”

NSF funds analysis and apprenticeship in best fields of science and engineering. It does this through grants and accommodating agreements to added than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 academy systems, businesses, breezy science organizations and added analysis organizations throughout the US. The Foundation accounts for about division of Federal abutment to bookish institutions for basal research.

NSF receives about 55,000 proposals anniversary year for research, apprenticeship and training projects, of which about 11,000 are funded. In addition, the Foundation receives several thousand applications for alum and postdoctoral fellowships. The bureau operates no laboratories itself but does abutment Civic Analysis Centers, user facilities, assertive abyssal argosy and Arctic and Antarctic analysis stations. The Foundation additionally supports accommodating analysis amid universities and industry, US accord in all-embracing authentic and engineering efforts, and educational activities at every bookish level.

Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) accommodate allotment for appropriate abetment or accessories to accredit bodies with disabilities to assignment on NSF-supported projects. See the NSF Angle & Accolade Behavior & Procedures Adviser Chapter II.E.6 for instructions apropos alertness of these types of proposals.

The Civic Science Foundation has Telephonic Device for the Deaf (TDD) and Federal Admonition Relay Service (FIRS) capabilities that accredit individuals with audition impairments to acquaint with the Foundation about NSF programs, appliance or accustomed information. TDD may be accessed at (703) 292-5090 and (800) 281-8749, FIRS at (800) 877-8339.

The Civic Science Foundation Admonition Center may be accomplished at (703) 292-5111.

The Civic Science Foundation promotes and advances authentic beforehand in the United States by competitively appliance grants and accommodating agreements for analysis and apprenticeship in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering.

To get the latest admonition about affairs deadlines, to download copies of NSF publications, and to admission abstracts of awards, appointment the NSF Website at

2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314

(703) 292-5111

(703) 292-5090

Send an e-mail to:

[email protected]

or telephone:

(703) 292-8134

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The admonition requested on angle forms and action letters is solicited beneath the ascendancy of the Civic Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. The admonition on angle forms will be acclimated in affiliation with the alternative of able proposals; and action letters submitted by awardees will be acclimated for affairs appraisal and advertisement aural the Executive Branch and to Congress. The admonition requested may be appear to able reviewers and agents administering as allotment of the angle analysis process; to apostle institutions/grantees to accommodate or admission abstracts apropos the angle analysis process, accolade decisions, or the administering of awards; to government contractors, experts, volunteers and advisers and educators as all-important to complete assigned work; to added government agencies or added entities defective admonition apropos applicants or nominees as allotment of a collective appliance analysis process, or in adjustment to alike programs or policy; and to addition Federal agency, court, or affair in a cloister or Federal authoritative proceeding if the government is a party. Admonition about Principal Board may be added to the Analyst book and acclimated to baddest abeyant candidates to serve as associate reviewers or advising board members. See Arrangement of Record Notices, NSF-50, “Principal Investigator/Proposal Book and Associated Records,” and NSF-51, “Reviewer/Proposal Book and Associated Records.” Acquiescence of the admonition is voluntary. Failure to accommodate abounding and complete information, however, may abate the achievability of accepting an award.

An bureau may not conduct or sponsor, and a being is not adapted to acknowledge to, an admonition accumulating unless it displays a accurate Office of Administering and Account (OMB) ascendancy number. The OMB ascendancy cardinal for this accumulating is 3145-0058. Accessible advertisement accountability for this accumulating of admonition is estimated to boilerplate 120 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments apropos the accountability appraisal and any added aspect of this accumulating of information, including suggestions for abbreviation this burden, to:

Suzanne H. PlimptonReports Clearance OfficerOffice of the Accustomed CounselNational Science FoundationAlexandria, VA 22314

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